Civil Society, Education and Global Development

Public Lecture by Karen Mundy
29 January 2009, 6-8pm, De Balie

Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10, Amsterdam

Increasingly, civil society organizations are playing a key role in claiming fundamental citizenship rights around the world, the right to education being a primary objective. In recent years, non-governmental organizations, grassroots movements and teachers unions have established transnational alliances, such as the Global Campaign for Education, to promote access to quality education at the global level.

Karen Mundy (Co-Director of the Comparative International and Development Education Centre, University of Toronto and founder of the Canada Global Campaign For Education) will reflect on the evolution of global and local civil society organizations and networks in the promotion of education. She will also explore the potential and limitations of these networks for the achievement of Education for All targets.

A reaction to the lecture will be given by prominent Dutch NGOs specializing in the promotion of education in low-income countries. We will welcome Wouter van der Schaaf (Education International / Algemene Onderwijsbond) and Olloriak Sawade (Oxfam Novib) to react and share their view on the topic.

– Free Admission –